
warts on the skin how to treat

Warts are a skin disease characterized by the formation of small tumor-like growths on the surface of the skin.

Warts vary in size. The formations can be as large as a needle needle and can reach the size of a ruble coin.

The disease is viral in nature and spreads through direct contact or through household items that are used by both sick and healthy people at the same time.

Such increases usually cause psychological discomfort, as often their localization sites are visible parts of the body. Warts can be treated with medical drugs, folk remedies, or hardware procedures.

Types of warts

  • ordinary (simple) - round-shaped, coarse-grained greyish-brown nodules. These warts usually occur on the hands, face, and scalp. It is common in both children and adults. Simple warts do not cause pain, but are quite aesthetically unpleasant as they can form whole colonies of tumor-like benign formations;
  • plantar warts - as they occur on the plantar surface, as the name implies. They resemble corns in appearance, consisting of filiform papillae surrounded by deer layers. The causes of the appearance of plantar warts include the constant pressure of the shoes and the formation of an unfavorable microclimate in the area of the sole. While walking, such formations cause painful emotions and require appropriate treatment;
  • flat warts are small lumps that barely protrude above the surface of the skin. They are yellowish or flesh-colored and are most commonly seen in young people. Flat warts form on the hands and face. They are usually completely painless;
  • genital warts (condylomas) - they are named because they spread during sexual contact and affect the external genitals.

The main cause of warts in humans is a viral change in the skin. The pathogen is transmitted to healthy people through direct contact with the carrier of the virus or through household items. In addition, sweating of the skin, minor injuries, burns and some other factors can contribute to the disease. For example, plantar warts can be easily picked up when you visit the pool or shower in the gym.

Wart treatment

At present, the methods of combating warts are generally divided into medical and surgical methods. The former means the use of ointments, antiviral drugs, destructive chemicals. All such actions are relatively inefficient and can only help if a single formation appears, and even then in the earliest stages. For this reason, modern treatment of warts is based on the use of surgical methods, which in turn are divided into:

  • surgical;
  • cryodestruction methods;
  • radio wave surgery;
  • operations using laser technology.

The first two methods are characterized by painful surgery and a long recovery time. In addition, if not used properly, they can lead to scarring and the reappearance of warts. Radio wave and laser surgery eliminates these deficiencies and offers patients a quick, bloodless, and pain-free treatment for warts on the hands, feet, and other parts of the body.

Warts - folk treatment

People have many recipes for removing unpleasant skin growths. Here are the most popular:

  • Plantar warts can be easily removed by spreading a cake made of cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence and wheat flour on them. Apply a small amount of this test to the wart and secure with plaster or bandage. The bandage is removed after 2-3 hours. If it is not gone, the wart removal procedure is repeated. Also note that small, painful dimples appear in place of fallen formations. An ointment is placed on them, which they wear until the wounds are completely healed;
  • warts on the hands are quickly removed with the help of Kalanchoe pinnate leaves. Attach them to the warts and bandage them. After 3-4 procedures, the warts disappear;
  • an effective blend made from garlic and lard. Apply to a cloth, apply to the wart, and apply the bandage with a wound dressing. The garlic tallow should be changed every day. The duration of treatment is 4-5 days;
  • it has been noticed that if the wart is rubbed daily with sour apple juice, its size begins to decrease and disappears completely after about 10 days. Fresh juice from mountain ash or tomatoes has a similar effect;
  • powders made from crushed cornflower seeds give good results. These should be done daily. You can also mix the powder with lard and get a wart remover.

Keep in mind that if you have warts, alternative treatment should be discussed with your doctor or experienced homeopath. Do not self-heal as this can lead to unexpected and sometimes very unpleasant consequences.